Our favorite hikes…so far!

In the last three months, we’ve done dozens of hikes in five mountain states. You’ll have to wait a couple of weeks for the comprehensive report on achievements in the first 100 days of our trip (such an artificial benchmark, I know, but the pundits insist!). In the meantime, I’d …

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Paddler Agonistes

Kayaking is one of my favorite activities, so I thought I should share the agonies and ecstasies of our kayaking experience so far.

I have always wanted to kayak in the western states.  So, in the months leading up to our trip, I was calculating how we could spend some …

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O Colorado!

We arrived in Colorado just over a month ago, on June 10. As the map of our travels on our homepage shows, we circled the western two-thirds of the state hitting some of the highlights but missing many, many more. During the month, we were rarely under a mile above …

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The Poop on Camp Toilets

After seven weeks on the road, we have seen a lot of toilets, those essential but under-appreciated devices that collect and dispose of our biological waste, without which we’d all live shorter and more brutish lives.

I have been a fan of toilets for a long time, even before living …

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Six Weeks, Six National Parks

We’ve been focusing our trip principally around visiting national parks.  Since we made a beeline for Utah after visiting Elise in Albuquerque, we were able to visit a slew of parks relatively quickly.  Rather than write a separate blog about each one, I thought I’d just give a brief recap …

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Email notifications fixed

Some of our friends have reported that they are no longer receiving notifications when we post a new blog. I guess that’s the downside of learning how to manage a website without proper training… I probably deleted the function by accident while updating one of the features. In any case, …

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Canoeing Labyrinth Canyon

18,000 cfs. That’s cubic feet per second, measured at the river gauge in Green River, Utah. It didn’t mean much to a couple of easterners new to the Green River—and hankering for a river trip—but we learned that it means the river is carrying a lot of water, and fast. …

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A Zion Crush

We are WAY behind on our blogging!  I am going to blame a general lack of wifi, but also (speaking for myself) using a computer feels out of synch with our outdoor lifestyle.  After a long hike, sitting around the campfire, who wants to fire up a laptop?

After leaving …

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Canyon de Chelly and Utah!

We left Albuquerque about mid-day on Tuesday heading to Canyon de Chelly in the northeast corner of Arizona. Canyon de Chelly, on the Navajo reservation, was the most-mentioned must-visit destination at our going away parties last month. It is a national monument run by the Navajo nation, who operate a …

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